Infants through Pre-K are invited to attend classes during church services. Children are valued, loved, and nurtured through their early years. We believe every child is a gift from God. Playtime, stories, crafts, and snacks are all part of the Sunday fun.

Journey Kids (Grade K - 6)
Journey Kids Ministries is a safe and fun place where children are valued, loved, and nurtured on their journey to maturity in Christ. Children bring special gifts to the fellowship of believers and the Journey Church is a place where their participation in the life of the church is encouraged. The congregation, teachers, and leaders promise to nurture and support the Christian growth of our children. Journey Kids endeavors to fulfill this promise.

Aimie Chmelar
Children's Ministry Director
Journey Life Groups
Christianity was never intended to be a solo ride. Journey Group gatherings include teachings from the Word of God shared in a simple and practical way. Most people who have been a part of a group say the greatest benefit is the close relationships that develop. Groups vary by topic and meet at various times throughout the week.

Journey Youth (Grade 6 - 12)
Journey Student Ministries meets every other Wednesday night starting January 12th, 2022 at 6:15 pm. The mission of this ministry is to reach this generation of Dubuque area students so that they can experience the presence, the power, and the purpose of God. There is no such thing as a ‘typical’ Wednesday night – expect the unexpected! We have a little bit of everything. From games to food to worship to occasional off-site activities, we keep the youth growing and stretching each Sunday!

Pastor Jessica Trosper
Student Ministries Pastor
Men's Ministry
Journey Men offers opportunity to gather together and help each other become men of integrity and consistency in their spiritual disciplines. We meet on the first Saturday of each month (excluding summer) for a great breakfast and encouraging word. Please check the church calendar for additional monthly events and activities.

Pastor Terry Bemis
Heart to Heart Women's Ministry
Heart to Heart Women's Ministry's ladies understand we have received a directive from God to stand strong, be faithful, be courageous under fire and to be salt and light to our world.
Make plans to join us on the 3rd Saturday of each month and also watch for special events in 2022! Ladies, we need YOU!